Lip Blush tattooing is a semi-permanent treatment designed to add a natural enhancement to the shape and colour of your lips. With this treatment we are able to redefine the lip border, add an even and fresh tint of colour and correct any asymmetry. Using naturally toned pigments to blend and shade within your natural lip line, we can slightly adjust your lip shape and size to create the illusion of fullness.

All Cosmetic Tattoo procedures include a consultation on the day of your appointment. We work with you to formulate and determine your ideal lip shade. Our results are fully customised for each client, ensuring that you achieve your desired colour and effect. Read more on colour selection here

Over time the pigment will slowly fade and be naturally metabolised by the body. This treatment can last anywhere from 1-4 years depending on individual colour retention. For best results, we recommend getting a treatment refresh anywhere from 12-24 months.